

Chloe GordonComment


I read this short passage on Tumblr the other day and my mind was blown. I always think about getting into ruts with what I physically do each day, but I’ve never really thought about the ruts we’re in with things we don’t think about as often — especially when it comes to words. Toc-Tic is just wrong. 


If I could choose any famous person’s sense of humor to take for my own it would, hands down, be Steve Harvey. He’s hilarious and I always find myself watching his “best of” videos on YouTube, especially when I’m in need of some cheering up. This video is one of my favorites, and that little boy.. SO CUTE. 

Confession, when I looked up the link to this video I got distracted by all of the Little Big Shot videos so watch all of them haha. 


In honor of my friends going to his concert this week, I decided to share RUFUS DU SOL. I love his song “Sundream” and think you guys should give it a listen. It’s kinda bumpin’ but also chill. The perfect summer night song. 


I’m working at Anthropologie this summer and it’s dangerously awesome. I want to spend my paychecks on literally everything in the store and it’s taking all of my will power not to purchase one of each. However, a lot of my co-workers have been purchasing this jumpsuit and I’m dying to try it on. Jumpsuits never look that great on me, but I’m convinced I need it. 


Something about this photo illuminates summer. Maybe it’s the fleetingness of it — summer is here and then gone in the blink of an eye. Maybe it’s the black and white. Maybe it’s the bare feet on the pedals. All I see is summer.