
Internet Black Hole


I have this whole week off from school. It’s like pre-spring break. The underclassmen have testing to do, so the Seniors don’t really have to come into school except if their AP classes have study sessions. I have three study sessions, one on Monday and two on Tuesday. They’re only an hour and a half long and one of the sessions on Tuesday is a pot luck brunch. Life isn’t so bad when a pot luck brunch is involved. A whole week off from school (basically) means that I have infinite time (otherwise known as 216 hours minus about 4 hours of study sessions) to do whatever the heck I want to do. My friends and I are planning on playing tourist in our city, I plan on hitting up the gym everyday, and every hour in-between I plan on spending my time scrolling through the black hole known as the internet. I started this plan this past weekend and I found a few gems that I want to share with you. I got deep deep down into the depths of the internet black hole, and I hope you enjoy my findings. You’re welome in advance, because I know you’ll love ‘em.

Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 10.21.52 AM -How to do Instagram the right way. This video was created in 2012 but it’s surprisingly still relevant. If you have time to waste, watch every single one of Casey Neistat’s videos. That’s what I did and I don’t retreat a single second of my time spent doing so.

-Nineteen beautiful book cover designs. I recently had to do a project in my Graphic Design class at school where I had to pick a book and come up with a design for the cover jacket (both front and back). It took me forever just to pick a book and then once I did, I changed my mind a million times. I eventually went with Freakonomics and my design wound up making it to the city wide art show. I now have a whole new appreciation for book cover designs.

-8 yoga poses to do before bed. My friend recently dragged me to a yoga class with her. I guess I should’ve prefaced that with “I HATE YOGA.” Well I did. I hated yoga. And then, surprisingly, I fell in love with it. I don’t know why the switch flipped, but I just lost myself in it and liked it. I used to be afraid of what other people around thought of me and how I was (or wasn’t) pulling off certain moves, but once I stopped caring, I started enjoying.

-Tree branch photo hang-y thing. With college just around the corner, I’ve been brainstorming ideas to decorate my dorm. I want it to be simple but cozy, just like my room at home. I stumbled across this cute little tree branch photo thing and now I want one, badly.

-English bulldogs have stolen my heart. I want one. No, I need one. They are so darn cute and I can’t get over it. Someone buy me a puppy, stat.

That’s all I have for now! I hope you can get lost in internet black hole too so we can be lost together.

Thanks for reading. xox Chloe