
Free Binder Covers

DIY, EXTRAS, RANDOM STUFFKim & Chloe-4 Comments

Well, I promised that there would be new free binder covers out soon, and I’ve kept the promise by following up with more cute binder covers. I decided to keep it preppy with the color combos + stripes, because I think a lot of you will really like them… I know I love ‘em. We truly think that cute school supplies can make an entire school year more bearable, so we've got you covered when it comes to amping up the cuteness factor of those ugly and plain binders. Click the links below to download a black canvas so that you can enter your own class names in the circle! But. they work for anything -- in fact, my mom is even using them around the house for things like take-out menus  and papers for me and my brother. Hope you like this new design as much as the first set. Free binder covers for the win!

Also, if you use them be sure to post a picture on Twitter or Instagram and tag us @popcosmo and we will totes love you forever and ever. ;)

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xox Chloe