
8 links I love this week


I've been so inspired this week, despite having a "thumbs-down" day earlier this week (as you know, if you're following along on Instagram). But the week is improving, and here's what has me swooning.

black and white perfection

I’m crazy obsessed with ^ this simple outfit. Black & white perfection.

I’m currently taking a "Lettering for Designers: One Drop Cap Letterform at a Time" on Skillshare. I swear SkillShare has something for everyone - it's the most amazing thing since the creation of pre-made cookie dough.

I recently purchased this shirt so that I can wear it when I go running and literally be a walking (or rather running) definition for the word “ironic.”

I'm ready to play golf. And this golf  / croquet DIY would be perfect for a lawn party & so Alice in Wonderland.

Because nothing's hotter than a man in a suit on a penny board. Or a surfboard.

Over spring break, I will be chopping my hair so that it’ll mimic this gorgeous hairstyle. (image on main page)

The real definition of “rebellious.”

Buzzfeed quizzes are my favorite way to waste time (that is, besides Pinterest and Youtube).

How about you - what's keeping you inspired?