
You're Lovely

BEAUTYKim & Chloe-18 Comments

Self-image is a topic that is constantly being discussed by women. They are trying to tell us that we shouldn’t compare ourselves to the girls on the covers of magazines, and there are numerous videos that prove that women and girls underestimate their beauty, their smarts, and their overall affect on the world. Truth is, we don’t believe in ourselves as much as we should. We nitpick the smallest things and we always find faults within ourselves. I can post a “real” picture of me on Instagram and talk about my imperfections — that’s not hard. What is hard is asking me what I love about myself.

you wonderful wonderful thing youimage via Pinterest

Why is this question not asked more constantly? Why are we looked down upon or laughed at when we say what we love about ourselves? Why? These are real questions. I’m challenging you ask yourself what you love most about you and tell someone. Tell us! We want to know what you think your best feature is, whether that be physical or emotional or whatever. Confidence is the most amazing accessory that a girl can have (yes, confidence is even more amazing than a Chanel bag). So to kick things off, my mom and I are both going to list three things that we love about ourselves:

Chloe: the fact that my hair can be straightened or curled (and stay that way all day), the ability to laugh and make fun of myself, and my smile

Kim: my big lips (which took me a very long time to embrace), my love for my family, my adaptability

self esteem quote

image via Pinterest

Please leave us a comment telling us what you love most about yourself! This is a no judgment zone so don’t be afraid of what anyone else will think. You know yourself better than anyone else so you should be the one to tell us the best part about you!

xox ~chloe