
My Passion: Photography


Hey there, it's Chloe! As those of you know who follow us on Instagram (wait, what... you haven't yet? Follow us here!) I have always loved photography. It’s something that I think is hereditary as my grandfather, uncle, and mom have a passion for it as well. All of us have different styles, though, so it’s really interesting to see who sees what. My mom likes nature, my grandfather likes to pose us for pictures, and my uncle takes incredible animal photos & his underwater photography is beyond amazing. When I was in seventh grade, I saved every single penny that I made from various babysitting jobs to buy a camera. Everyone thought I was crazy, but spending my own money to buy a fancy DSLR was a kick in the rear to start learning everything I could learn. At first I was super into nature photography and taking photos of everything up close, but recently I have been really getting into portrait photography. Maybe taking OOTD pictures of my mom has something to do with it ;)

I take a photography class with a local wedding photographer, Sarah Katherine Davis, who has been an fabulous teacher and mentor. She graciously invited me to shadow her at a few of her weddings to see if wedding photography would strike my fancy. And it did. Strike my fancy, that is. I’ve fallen in love with love, or at least capturing love. I figured I would showcase a few of my favorite snapshots that I’ve captured because I'm feeling inspired. Feel free to leave your critiques - I love to hear feedback!


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And, as fate would have it, we have 2 new photographers we have started working with since Geni is moving... and they both happen to be wedding photographers! We can't wait to introduce each of them to you, but go ahead and take a look at the portfolios of Erin Trimble & Susan Stewart and you'll see why we are so excited to have them as part of the Popcosmo family - and be on the lookout for their photos of us!

xox ~chloe