
How to Ask a Girl out on a Date


They say chivalry is dead. ? (If you don't know what chivalry is, think white horses, knights, and doors being held open.) ? But, we ? say it's alive and well. ? There are still some guys who will go to some trouble when asking a girl out on a date... and do a little advance planning... and aren't afraid to take a risk. ? And you know what? ? We admire that. ? We think it's cool -- and hot. It's not always necessary, but for a special event, it's refreshing. ? Whether it's giving her flowers or a card, or, well, his choice. ? So go ahead guys, put yourself out there. No risk, no reward. ? Need an idea for your guy? ? Show him this:

And yep, the Chloe that Seth is asking is popcosmo's own Chloe. Will she be his prom date? ? We don't know because this was posted before she knew about it! ? This is a real video and her first prom (prom dress shopping!), so we'll keep you posted! What we DO know is that we are super-excited about prom and that being creative is fun, and a memorable way to ask someone out for a special event... and we hope she's surprised and he's happy with her answer. ?