
Make it a Pi Day

FASHIONKim & Chloe-1 Comments

3.14... If your mind just keeps whirling with numbers, and you think we are being irrational, you know where we are heading with this... to one of our favorite days in March... and it's not the green one. ? If you don't know when Pi Day is, it's March 14 (think about it for a bit). ? Call us math geeks if you will, but we love Pi Day.? ? There's something uniting about the love of a number. (If it's been a while since you've studied Pi, it's? defined as the ratio of a circle's circumference divided by its diameter.) We love how schools celebrate Pi Day in different ways, but we say it's more fun to wear it than study it so tell us what you think about Pi Day, and you could win our Pi t-shirt, thanks to ThinkGeek! ? The Pi symbol on the shirt has the first 4,493 numbers of Pi used to construct the Pi symbol, so if you have to memorize, you might need to wear this shirt on 3/14 so you can study beforehand (if you are good at reading numbers upside-down)! And YES, we will make sure it's delivered to you in time for the big day!

3.14 math geek

CONTEST CLOSED: Winner will receive a a Pi Day tee shirt from ThinkGeek. ? Contest open through 11:59pm 3/1, enter ONCE daily per email address, winner contacted by email on 3/2. Winner must respond by 3/3 or another winner will be selected. Winner must provide a correct email address (we only use emails to contact winners) & will be picked by random number using Random.org. Good luck!?

TO ENTER: Tell us what you think about Pi Day (do you celebrate it, had you heard of it, do you memorize the numbers of Pi...?)