
DIY Sugar Scrub

BEAUTY, DIYKim & Chloe-1 Comments

Winter can be so tough on skin. Dry knees, elbows, and feet are winter hazards that needed a resolution. Our Best Bites is a wonderful website with cool ideas for recipes, crafts and tips, and they were kind enough to share their popular scrub recipe with us. If you've never made your own, sugar scrubs are sooo easy... basically mixing sugar + oil. You can use any skin-safe oil, such as Almond Oil, but a very light Olive Oil works too. We also prefer a brown sugar, but you could use plain white sugar or raw sugar. When you find a sugar/oil mixture you like, add some fragrance. Herbs, spices, and essential oils work great. To get you started, here is a very simple basic recipe:

Sweet and Spicy Sugar Scrub

1/4 C brown sugar 1/4 C white sugar 1/2 t cinnamon 1/2 t ground ginger 1/2 t ground cloves Oil: olive oil, almond oil, grape seed, oil, apricot oil, jojoba, etc. optional: a few drops of essential oil, such as cinnamon

Directions: Combine everything except oil in a bowl. Then begin adding oil a little at a time and stir to combine. Keep adding it until it’s the sugar is coated well and it is the consistency you want. Store in a container with a lid. If you refrigerate it, it will keep longer, but stop using as soon as it starts smelling badly.  :)

That's it... just scrub dry areas with your DIY Sugar Scrub after you've cleansed. The oil traps the moisture in your skin, and applying lotion after you dry off helps seal that moisture.

Enjoy! And thank you, Our Best Bites, for sharing with us!