Easy Criss-Cross Top Knot — Popcosmo


Easy Criss-Cross Top Knot

BEAUTYKim & Chloe10 Comments

No time to wash your hair or style it… or just looking for a quick fix? Nothing is more simple than a messy bun or a top knot and we like this criss-cross top knot because it adds a certain je ne sais quoi to the messy vibe. A little yin and yang showing that a bit more effort was put in than just twisting it up into a bun, but it's still fast enough to get you out the door when you're pressed for time, and easy enough that it only takes a few minutes.

wrapped topknot


  • separate your hair into three equal sections - top for the bun, middle for the 1st wrap, & bottom for the last wrap. the easiest way to do this is to wrap a pony tail holder around each one. you’ll look like a freakazoid at first, but it’ll all be good in the end.
  • take the top section of your hair and twist it into a bun (photo 1). once you’ve twisted all your hair, secure it with a bobby pin. don’t worry about how this part looks, because it’ll eventually be covered up.
  • take a 1" section from the middle section and twist it. once you’ve twisted it, then twist it around the bun. (double twist action going on here!) then secure with a bobby pin.
  • continue to wrap 1" pieces of hair from the middle section around the bun. make sure to leave the bottom sections of hair down.
  • from the bottom section of your hair, divide it in 1/2 (left and right). take half of the hair and wrap it around the opposite side of the bun. this will start to create the “criss-cross” effect that adds a little something special! then take the second section and wrap on the opposite side of the bun. Criss cross complete!

there ya have it! the flawless criss-cross top knot!

xox ~chloe

wrapped topknot

Thanks so much to Michelle Brooks of Headz Inc. of Louisville for working with us to create this great 4-part series!

Michelle Brooks

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