
Happy Mother's Day!


Mother's Day Cake via pinspire first seen on MaryFashionLove

Aaaah, Mother's Day, a day of pampering, breakfast in bed, lazing about, queen for a day. It's my annual request, dream, plea. No housework, or laundry, or cooking. I want the day "off." But this year is a bit different. I'm not thrilled about laundry or cooking, but I don't need the day off. Maybe I will at a later date, but today I'm celebrating my kids. It's just a different year and I'm going with the flow and this is what feels right to me. I hope they appreciate me. I hope they know how much I do for them, I hope they know how much I love them, but I'm not forcing the card, the gift, the breakfast in bed. Not this year.

All I want for Mother's Day is to be with my kids. Doing kid things. Not doing "Mother's Day" things, not being pampered, not having it being about me. Today is a different Mother's Day for me... I'm thankful we are together, thankful 3/4 of us are healthy.

Today is your day, kids, my day to you:

  • my day to say thank you for making me who I am,
  • for reminding me of what's important,
  • for being so much more than I ever was at your age,
  • for rising up to and conquering every challenge life throws at you,
  • for making me so proud so often.

These are the gifts that mean so much to me. More than all the chocolate in the world... even, yes, even dark chocolate.

Thank you, kids, for being your unique, creative, beautiful selves. I wouldn't, and couldn't, have chosen any better yous to be you.

XOXO, Mama / Mommy / Mom / Mumsie