
Anthropologie: 6 things we love!

FASHIONKim & ChloeComment

Anthropologie just opened in Louisville and we can hear the collective yell of excitement of teens and moms across the city. We did an informal survey of our friends to find out what the fuss was all about. I mean, we have our own opinion, but why does everyone love it so much? Sure, Anthropologie's clothes are sensational, especially when Mom's along with her credit card, but what else is there to love about Anthropologie? We scouted out the goods and and confirmed with our friends that these are our the top 6 things most teens love: 1. The home stuff. From bedding, to frames, to pillows, if every teen's bedroom could be from Anthropologie, it would still be unique! 

Anthrolopogie for teens

2. The sale section. There is always, always, always a bargain to be had! We've got our eye on these shorts to go on sale!!

pleather shorts

3. The little things near the cash register. Gotta wait in line? No problem, because there will be a last-minute knickknack screaming your name.


4. The accessories. They are simply amazing - from cute and girly to bold and flirty, and everything in-between.

anthropologie teen

5. The store decor. Whoever decorates makes it feel like home. It's like my closet, except a gazillion times bigger, with everything I'd want already inside of it. It's a real-life Pinterest board.

6. The dresses. Whenever we need a cute dress, we know without a doubt that Anthropologie will have one. In any style, any color, any mood... it's here. Always. 

anthropologie 2

All photos taken at the Anthropologie store opening (except the red dress) by StyleBlueprint Louisville. Check them out for great stories and fantastic deals!

Let us know what you love about Anthropologie and what tops your list!