My exam essentials are what I use every semester to collect my thoughts, organize my notes, and finalize my preparation for my semester exams. Although everyone's study process is different, the exam essentials list is pretty similar since we all need to organize what is, at least for me, floating around in different binders and various nooks and crannies in my room!
/planner/ Stay organized! Use a cute planner to write down your schedule and to do lists for the day. Be sure to pencil in breaks between study sessions.
/pencils/ Mechanical pencils are the best so you don’t have to worry about sharpening every two seconds. Using pink pencils or my old fashioned DIY gold pencils inspires me to get the job done!
/highlighters/ Go back through your notes and highlight the important terms. Don't get too crazy with your highlighter though, not everything you wrote down needs to be a color.
/folders/ Go through your binders and put all important assignments, tests, and quizzes in a folder so that you can have them all in one organized place. Use a different color folder for each class.
/notebook/ Try handwriting your study guide to help engrain the material in your mind. Use a three or five subject notebook depending on how many classes you have. Maybe even take a study break every once in a while to decorate a notebook cover. PS - follow us on Bloglovin' to catch our upcoming notebook cover ideas!
/flashcards/ Making “old-fashioned” flash cards will help you to better remember your terms and vocab. Instead of writing the definition of the word or question on the back, write a mnemonic or helpful hint (i.e., Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred ninety two - an oldie but goodie that I'll never forget!). I’m telling you it really helps to write a rhyme or cute little phrase! My mom says a guy in her law school class rapped the entire semester of one her classes. Whoa!
And lastly, I want to wish you all good luck and happy successful studying!
xox ~chloe
PPS: Hannah Margaret had some great study tip reminders!