

Exam Essentials


How to study for exams  

My exam essentials are what I use every semester to collect my thoughts, organize my notes, and finalize my preparation for my semester exams. Although everyone's study process is different, the exam essentials list is pretty similar since we all need to organize what is, at least for me, floating around in different binders and various nooks and crannies in my room!

/planner/ Stay organized! Use a cute planner to write down your schedule and to do lists for the day. Be sure to pencil in breaks between study sessions.

/pencils/ Mechanical pencils are the best so you don’t have to worry about sharpening every two seconds. Using pink pencils or my old fashioned DIY gold pencils inspires me to get the job done!

/highlighters/ Go back through your notes and highlight the important terms. Don't get too crazy with your highlighter though, not everything you wrote down needs to be a color.

/folders/ Go through your binders and put all important assignments, tests, and quizzes in a folder so that you can have them all in one organized place. Use a different color folder for each class.

/notebook/ Try handwriting your study guide to help engrain the material in your mind. Use a three or five subject notebook depending on how many classes you have. Maybe even take a study break every once in a while to decorate a notebook cover.  PS - follow us on Bloglovin' to catch our upcoming notebook cover ideas!

/flashcards/ Making “old-fashioned” flash cards will help you to better remember your terms and vocab. Instead of writing the definition of the word or question on the back, write a mnemonic or helpful hint (i.e., Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in fourteen hundred ninety two - an oldie but goodie that I'll never forget!). I’m telling you it really helps to write a rhyme or cute little phrase! My mom says a guy in her law school class rapped the entire semester of one her classes. Whoa!

And lastly, I want to wish you all good luck and happy successful studying! xox ~chloe

PPS: Hannah Margaret had some great study tip reminders!

Snowapolooza Weekend Ideas


This past week has been especially grey, weather wise and now it's snowing, and soon it will probably be slushy. When it’s gross outside it always puts me in the most unproductive mood. I don’t know if I’m the only one who feels this way, but when it’s rainy, snowy, or just grey I would rather bundle up and watch a movie than do anything productive. So in honor of it being Friday and everything, here are five things that to keep almost anyone busy this weekend…

 things to do this weekend

via Pinterest

{1} make a wreath to decorate your front door, or room door like this cute pompom wreath. this will also put your whole family in a festive (and happier) mood!

{2} bake a cute cake and eat it too.

{3} buy all of your friends a present then take your time making the wrapping cuter than the actual gift.

{4} go on a walk with your camera and document your neighborhood in the winter time. not only will this put you in a festive mood, but it’ll make walking around your neighborhood seem like a mini adventure.

{5} make the easiest bracelets ever!

So there you have it, five ways to spice up your weekend. I think I’m probably going to accomplish numbers two and five this weekend! If you accomplish any of these then be sure to tweet us / tag us in your insta pic!

happy weekend!  xox ~chloe


17 going on 70: Why I'm a Grandma trapped in a Teen's body


Sometimes I wonder if I’m a grandma trapped in a teenagers body. On a scale from one to rebellious teenager, I’m a negative one. So today I’m going to share teen reasons why I think I’m actually a grandma. Before I start, I just want to let you know that I am being 100% serious with these reasons. This. Is. Not. A. Joke. 17 going on 70

1. An exciting Friday night for me is watching old 80’s movies in bed. (The Breakfast Club, Ferris Buellers Day Off, etc. Yeah, they're my faves.)

2. I sometimes forget my blinker is on when I’m driving. People behind me are probably like “that dumb grandma forgot to turn her blinker off” and then when they pass me (because I’m slow) they realize that I’m just a teenager.

3. Real Simple magazine is my all time favorite magazine. Judge me, but I don’t care because I know how to do things like peel potatoes and wash the counters better than you because of it. So who’s the real winner here?

4. When I was like 8 I got hot pink nail polish on my finger nails at the salon because that’s what all the cool girls did. But after I got home I just felt too rebellious and had to take it off. I now typically stick with light pinks, reds, and occasionally navy blue nail polishes. (Essie, of course)

5. I go to sleep at 9 o’clock. If I don’t then I am too exhausted to function the next morning. My friends used to make fun of me for going to sleep so early, but I know they were just jealous that I finished all my homework faster than them. I mean, duh.

6. When I see those “skater punk boys” in the mall parking lot doing dumb things I always shake my head and say “dumb teenagers.” That means I actually forget that I too am a teenager.

7. I keep all of my plans in a paper planner. I have never used the calendar on my computer or phone because it just confuses me to no end.

8. I use phrases like “gosh darn it,” “goodness gracious,” “okie dokie,” and “tummy” seriously. My family always laughs at me, especially with when I say “my tummy hurts.” (Maybe this is more baby than grandma, but still…)

9. I would be perfectly content spending my entire weekend baking. Homemade cookies? Yep. Homemade cake? I got you.

10. My mom’s clothes are probably “cooler” than mine, but I don’t care because my clothes are classic and I will still be able to wear them when I’m an actual grandma. Again, who's the real winner here?

So there you have it. 10 reasons why I’m actually a grandma - and don't get me started on my grey hair. Do you have grandma-like qualities too? If so, do share so I feel a little bit better about myself. ;)

xox, chloe