

No More... Join the Movement


We are thrilled to have Ella guest-posting again today. A college student at WKU, Western Kentucky University, she is passionate about spreading the word and starting meaningful conversations about teen dating violence. And we not only believe that she has a powerful & critical message to share, but that she has the voice to do so. If you think that domestic violence is not an issue that affects your friends or teens, think again. The fact is that 1 in 3 teens experience sexual or physical abuse or threats from a boyfriend or girlfriend in one year. (Source: NoMore, 2013) We are proud to share her video with you and hope that it will start a meaningful conversation with your family and friends. For more information about NOMORE.org and Domestic Violence, please click here. NO MORE end domestic violence

Ella: Earlier this year several non-profit organizations and businesses across the nation came together to launch the NO MORE campaign. The NO MORE campaign was inspired by the desire of those in the field of sexual and domestic violence prevention to change the conversation about sexual and domestic violence. For years advocates for both of these issues have competed for funding and attention from the public. Thanks to the new NO MORE symbol (a teal disc) they have come together for the first time. The goal for the NO MORE symbol is to do what the pink ribbon and the red ribbon did for Breast Cancer and HIV/AIDS awareness—removed the societal stigma surrounding the issues.

Ella & NOMORE.org

I started following the NO MORE campaign when it first launched and I have been incredibly inspired by the potential I was seeing in such a simple concept. I was so inspired that I decided I would use a video project for one of my journalism classes as an opportunity to make an on-campus Public Service Announcement (PSA) called ‘WKU says NO MORE’.

For my project I wanted to speak directly to the issues of sexual violence and victim blaming on college campuses and I invited students and faculty from my university to participate in the video, which was filmed entirely on campus. I asked all of the participants to think about phrases they had heard of victim blaming on campus and then say NO MORE to that phrase by writing it on a poster board and holding it somewhere on campus where their fellow students and colleagues could see them.

I never thought ‘WKU says NO MORE,’ would be seen by anyone other than me, my professor, and those who were in the video–I couldn’t have been more wrong. I posted the video to my Facebook late last Saturday night and by the time I woke up more than a dozen people had commented on the post praising its message. It was then that I realized that this video had more potential than I was giving it credit for. I began asking my friends to share it on their social media pages. Within 24 hours the video was shared on Facebook and had made its way to Twitter as well. Its movement was unbelievable and it was affecting people. The video was watched more than 1,500 times in 4 days and was shared on the Facebook and Twitter pages of the Joyful Heart Foundation, NO MORE, and several other non-profit organizations across the country. I am humbled and amazed by the reach this video has had in such short time period and I hope you will continue to help spread the word about the NO MORE movement by watching the video and sharing it with your friends.

Thanks!  <3 Ella



Holiday Screensavers

EXTRAS, RANDOM STUFFKim & Chloe-4 Comments

We are so ready for the holidays! I can't believe that this week is already Thanksgiving and Hanukkah and then Christmas! Wasn't it just Halloween?  While everyone is decorating trees and mantels, I'm ready to decorate my favorite spot in my room: my computer. My simple gift to you: holiday screensavers (or holiday backgrounds) whichever you prefer to call them. Enjoy! (Download instructions below.) BACKGROUND 1: Because we all need to spread a little, receive a little, and have a little in our lives every day!

Joy Holiday Desktop

BACKGROUND 2: Why choose? {inspired by the Kate Spade phone cases!}

Gold naughty and nice desktop background

BACKGROUND 3: I like to be both!

holiday desktop background {merry happy}

BACKGROUND 4: Confetti your season!

 Holiday Computer Background


Mac Instructions: In Safari, simply click and drag the your choice of the holiday screensavers to your desktop and right click. Scroll through choices and select "Set Desktop Picture".

xox ~chloe


Check out what our friends have been up to with their fun holiday DIYS  & stay tuned to our Monday posts for an extra special Holiday Giveaway from Easy Canvas! It’s coming soon! Click each photo to be taken to the full story!

Dropcloth tree skirt1

Subway Art and Reindeer Names Tutorial at PinkWhen.com

big DIY christmas bow

http://www.popcosmo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Goldnaughty-copy .jpg

TEDYouth Day


As most of y’all know I recently went to New Orleans to attend TEDYouth with Toyota. I had an absolutely amazing time and can't believe how much I learned! If you missed my first post about working with Toyota then be sure to check it out here. That being said, the TEDYouth conference was incredible. I had the opportunity to listen to some really cool people speak. Including the one and only Ashton Kutcher. Um, can you say cool? So here’s what my day looked like: 8:40 am: Leave hotel and walk to the Civic Theatre. There were a few hundred people at the theatre lucky enough to watch live, but thousands tuned in online (and you can still see everything too: click here) 9:00 am: Meet the other iReporters and eat a quick breakfast. 10:00 am: Try out the Toyota Simulator. I did not even get to test out a distraction because I crashed too early in the game. I need to step up my driving skills apparently :) Look how popular it was - there was a long line to try it.

TeenDrive 365

It was SO cool. You get in and see what happens when you text and drive, or drink water or change the radio station. And everyone can watch you on the tv monitors. That's ok, they may have blinked when I was in it!

TEDYouth 11:00 am: Listen to the first set of speakers. My favorite was Ron Finley because he showed how you can plant a garden anywhere. Literally, anywhere. Got an old cart, make it a garden. He was so inspiring, and reminded me how much I used to love gardening! 12:30 am: Lunch for the iReporters 12:45 pm: Interview TedYouth attendees about distracted driving. (see below to hear about what I learned! It’s actually pretty interesting) 2:15 pm: Listen to the second set of speakers and was so in awe of McKenna Pope who was annoyed that the Easy Bake Oven was targeting only girls. So she wrote the CEO of Hasbro... and he listened. It just shows what we can do if we see a problem and do something about it. 3:00 pm: Second break. This was also the time where the iReporters and I received some great speaking tips and we figured out what we were going to say on stage. The big stage. The stage in front of 400 people. *stomach butterflies*

TedYouth in New Orleans 3:30 pm: Third session. This was the session that I spoke in during the convention. Ahh. My favorite speaker spoke about elephants and told us how they are similar to us. It was so interesting. And then, Ashton Kutcher took the stage and spoke about how we may make mistakes, but we need to follow our dreams and move forward. Don't let obstacles stand in the way and pursue opportunities when they come along. I'll remember this speech for a long, long time.

TEDYouth speaker Ashton Kutcher 6:00 pm: TEDYouth is over. {so sad} 7:00 pm : My mom and I ate a celebratory dinner at a restaurant called Red Fish Grill and I finally had some fresh, raw oysters. I'd almost forgotten how good they were. 9:00 pm : Fell asleep after a very tiring yet awesome day.

So as I mentioned in the schedule, I was able to interview the attendees about distracted driving. I learned so much about what people think distracts them the most, but I learned two things that have really stayed with me.

The first thing I learned is that kids that don’t drive yet think texting is terrible and that they will absolutely never do it when they get their license. In contrast, people that are at or above the driving age know that texting is one of the worst things they can partake in while driving yet most of them were still guilty of doing it. Crazy, right?

The second thing I discovered is even more interesting. One of the groups of people that I interviewed were a set of tough looking guys. I figured that these guys were going to make a joke about distracted driving and just not take me seriously. However, I could not have been more wrong. Not only were these guys super sweet but they were the only people of driving age that I talked to who said that they never ever text and drive. When I asked them why not, they said that they recently had a friend that got into a terrible accident because he was texting and driving. Then they mumbled something about how their moms would kill them if she found out that they texted and drove.

These guys really got me thinking about how we all think that we are immune to accidents happening to us. We all are guilty of thinking that we live in some kind of protective bubble that will prevent us from getting hurt. We, of course, are wrong and sometimes we need to remember how important it is to practice safe driving habits in order to keep ourselves safe and others on the road. Because driving while distracted really is a selfish act after all!

Again, thanks so much Toyota for allowing me to help y’all out at TEDYouth. I had an absolute blast and learned tons :)

xox ~chloe

This post was written as part of my partnership with Toyota for TeenDrive365