

Chloe GordonComment

While I’ve always loved seeing what influencers and YouTube-rs received for the holidays, I’ve never really felt super comfortable sharing what I received for either my birthday or Hanukkah. I think it makes me nervous because I never want to come across as if I were bragging or showing off, and to be completely honest and transparent, the best part about the holidays isn’t ever the gifts I receive, but instead, the people I spend it with. Also, the food during this time of year never disappoints ;)


However, this year, one of the best gifts I received from my parents was a little bit of money to invest in the stock markets. I started investing using Robinhood during the initial days of quarantine because I wanted something to learn and focus my time on. I honestly wish I had started when I was in my early days of high school or college, even if it were just a few inexpensive stocks here and there so I could learn how the markets really work, flow, and change.

As I was learning, I tried to find resources that were good for beginners and used words that I could actually understand and follow. It can be EXTREMELY intimidating at first, but once you realize that no one really knows anything it helps you out. I started by investing in inexpensive stocks that I could afford but still knew the names of. For example, I bought one share of Snapchat when it was around $18 and now it’s worth $48. In hindsight, I wish I bought more shares, but also, I’m glad I didn’t because I had no idea what anything meant at that point and it’s fun to watch single shares grow so exponentially.

It’s been such a fun experience, and Robinhood makes it VERY simple to buy and sell stocks. This is not a sponsored post at all, but if you’re interested in trying it out yourself, click here for a link to signup for Robinhood and receive a free initial stock. My brother invited me and I got a free Ford stock that I still have and has grown ever so slightly, and when you sign up with this referral code you have a 1 in 350 chance of getting Microsoft ($215.37), Walmart ($145.26), or Visa ($215.09) .. and you don’t need any money in your account to get your free stock.

I would just advise that if you do start investing, start small and start slow. There is such a big learning curve that it’s important that you only bite off a little piece at a time. I read some advice (I can’t remember where) that said something like “invest what you’re willing to lose.” As in, don’t invest your entire life savings, invest as if it’s the spare change at the bottom of your purse. This will allow you to learn without risk, at least in the beginning.

A few resources that helped and continue to help are:

Let me know if you do end up learning or if you already invest and how you learn!

Thanks for reading!


Whew! Hello 2021!

Chloe Gordon

I’m not going to be the first to say this, nor will I be the last, but HELLO 2021!

2020, had its downs, but I was lucky this year. In fact, while this year taught me a ton of lessons in patience and understanding, it also brought me so much to think back on and feel so so thankful and grateful for.

In January of 2020, I started my first “real job.” I was searching and searching for so long and truly thought the day would never come where I would have my own desk and a boss and a constant paycheck. Very thankful for this big change. 2020 also brought me my boyfriend. And to avoid getting too cheesy, he has made my year so special and full of magic.

2021 popcosmo

2020 brought me closer with my family and my coworkers. 2020 allowed me to get back into reading. 2020 allowed me to find the time to connect with old friends. 2020 brought me the joy of cooking and baking, and allowed me to learn to let go of things that don’t matter. 2020 taught me that stressing about the future is so silly, it allowed me to learn that things can change at the drop of the hat, and it allowed me to be ok with that. 2020 brought me pilates and mindfulness, and taught me to not take my health and wellness for granted.

So while 2020 itself wasn’t anything special, it was special to me in ways I can’t even explain. I’m grateful for you and I’m grateful for every lesson I’ve learned and will continue to learn. Let’s make 2021 the year we find positivity in not-so-positive situations. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we now know how to make the best out of every situation.

Thanks for reading!


Down The Street Neighbor

Chloe Gordon

To warn you, this post is sad, so if you’re already feeling down today, I’d suggest skipping over this read. But I felt the need to share this story with you, because I want to inspire you to do something that you’ve either been thinking you should do or inspire you to do something if you haven’t been thinking about it.

As you may know, I live with my grandfather. It has been such a cool experience getting to know him better and to form this unbreakable bond with him. When I moved in, he had a little rescue dog named Izzy that I have kind of adopted as my own. He’s my little buddy and to say I love him is quite the understatement. When I first moved in and was unemployed, Izzy and I would go on daily 4 mile walks through the neighborhood. We got to know a lot of people from these walks, and it was nice to know and see familiar faces every day in a new to me town.

There was one lady on our walks that stuck out to me the most though. Her name was Paula and she was in her mid to late seventies. She lived alone and was the most precious lady you’ve ever seen. The reason I got to know Paula was thanks to Izzy, and for that I am ever grateful. Every day, every. single. day, Paula would leave a fresh bowl of water out for the dogs in the neighborhood. She’d leave it right under her mailbox and Izzy would take a fresh sip every time we passed. Eventually, Paula noticed that we stopped by her house every morning and she started to come out and say hello to us when she would see us pass by. Izzy loved her and she loved Izzy just as much.

One day during the Covid lockdowns, the water bowl stopped appearing. I thought maybe Paula was nervous about Covid and for that I totally understood. I told myself I’d write her a little note that thanked her for giving the neighborhood dogs water, and if she needed anything at all that I would be more than willing to help her or run any errands for her.

But I didn’t. I never got around to it, and it makes me feel terrible.

This past weekend I noticed a few packages that had been pilling up on Paula’s porch and I just felt as if something were off. I called the local police department for a wellness check, and while I was waiting for the police to arrive for their check, another neighbor that I met through walking my dog showed up. She agreed that something was off with Paula and was thankful that I called. Eventually we learned that Paula had passed away, and, while I don’t know any of the details and wouldn’t share them due to privacy if I did, it shatters my heart.

I wish I had written her that thank you note. I hope she knew how much of an impact she made on me and Izzy.

So, while now I am in tears while I write this, I hope I inspire you to reach out to those that make a difference in your life, no matter how big or how small. Let the people you love and appreciate know that you do!

Thanks for reading!

Love Your Mother

Chloe Gordon

I love my mom, yes, of course. But MOTHER is a close second to my actual mom.

Being a girl is hard, and finding the perfect pair of jeans make our lives even more difficult. From sizing, to color, to brand, to style, it’s a never-ending cycle of difficulty. BUT, when I tell you that Mother denim is the best denim in the world, I’m not exaggerating. Yes, they're expensive, but beyond that, they’re perfect. The fabric is soft and stretchy and fitted in all the right places. They’re classic but also have trendy styles. The colors aren’t too much of anything.

My mom purchased my first pair for me when I was about to be a freshman in college, and I am forever thankful for her introduction to the brand. I’ve been eyeing the black skinny pair, and I think I’m going to bite the bullet sooner rather than later.

Oh, and pro tip? ShopBop has a few styles on sale. These are cute and casual. These would be great to dress up for work!

Let me know if you’ve tried their jeans before!

Thanks for reading, and happy shopping.

Merry Merry

Chloe GordonComment

I was born as a contradiction.

I was born on Christmas Day, and I’m Jewish.


It’s my fun fact, always. It’s a conversation starter, especially when I’m purchasing alcohol or at the bank. I always get an, “Oh my gosh! A Christmas baby! I have to ask, do you love it or do you hate it???” To which I always respond, “I’ve never known anything different, so I guess I love it.” And I then always get a, “What a positive outlook!” back.

Take me out for a drink and I’ll show you the routine. It’s comical at this point, the same conversation over and over and over. Sometimes I switch out my answer if I’m feeling like my day is too monotonous.

In the hospital I was born in, they put all the Christmas babies in a stocking instead of a baby blanket. However, to make the contradiction of being Jewish in the first place even more comical, I was too fat of a baby to fit in the stocking. And this, my readers and friends, is the foundation of life upon which I was born. An ironic and ever-evolving contradiction

Anyway, I was scrolling through the never-ending black hole that is the internet and I realized how much I’m living for the holiday spirit this year. It’s something that I think we all deserve, and, quite honestly, need this year more than ever. We need the undoubtedly happy and cheery season. We need warm snuggles and hot chocolate. We need homemade cookies and beanies with oversized pom poms. We need our friends and families. We need the spirit.

So, even though I’m a Jewish girl that was born on Christmas, I can find solace in the Christmas cheer. I love that it’s bringing us together, especially during a year that has kept us apart. I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to already see Christmas trees lit up on my drive home from work and businesses bustling with people shopping a little early. It’s bringing me joy, and I hope you feel it in the air too.

So, from me to you, happy holidays just a tad bit early ;)

Under $100 Thanksgiving Dresses

Chloe GordonComment

Whew, Thanksgiving is spookily close. I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again, the second half of this year is flying by. It’s insane.

Today I’m going to share a few top Thanksgiving dresses with you and the best part is that you can always wear any of them post-feast too. Also, please note that I’m only sharing dresses because why wouldn’t you wear something that allows you to eat as much food as possible? We all know you’d end up having to unbutton your pants anyway, so this just helps you skip that pesky part of the evening.

Please note that all dresses are under $100 because you don’t always have to break the bank to look great during the holidays! Plus, I’m in my first job post-college and I understand the budgeting struggle.


Happy shopping!